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Úvod - Historické zajímavosti - Praha hl.m. - Lidová architektura - Praha hl.m. - OLD TOWN SQUARE – PRAGUE 1, Old Town



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Place:Praha 1, Staré Město
GPS:50°5'15,060"N, 14°25'16,154"E
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The Old Town Square was the most important square (market place) in historic Prague, it is dating from the 12th century. Beside the Old Town Hall and the Church of Our Lady before Týn the square has several other dominants, the baroque St. Nicholas church (K. I. Dienzenhofer, 1732 - 1735), the rococo Kinský palace housing the National Gallery graphic collection, the Stone Bell house - a gothic city palace from the 14th century - now the Municipal Gallery concert and exhibition rooms, and the Memorial to Master Jan Hus sculptured by Ladislav Šaloun (1915). The white crosses embedded into the cobbles (there are 27 in total) commemorate the execution of Protestants in the year 1621 following defeat at the battle of the White Mountain (paving the way for Habsburg rule to descend over Bohemia). The square was also the scene for Vaclav Havel to declare the end of Soviet domination over Czech affairs after the „Velvet Revolution“.

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